Self-Threading Monoka®
Description :
The Self-Threading Monoka® is designed for use in canalicular stenosis procedures. The procedure, same as with the Ritleng® bicanalicular intubation, involves inserting the hollow Ritleng® Probe into the nasolacrimal duct and feeding a thin PEEK black thread guide through it. The probe is then withdrawn, leaving the PEEK to pull the silicone tubing into place. It is securely anchored at the punctum by a plug-like collarette. No knots or sutures are necessary.
Main characteristics :
• Indicated for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction
and canalicular pathologies
• Securely anchored at the punctum by a plug-like collarette
• PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) black thread guide
• Medical grade silicone; PVP option
• Sterile