Showing 1 - 10 of 12 resources found in Lacrimal Stents & Tubes
FCI Nunchaku® | Surgical Procedure

FCI Nunchaku® is a pushed silicone self-retaining bicanalicular nasolacrimal intubation stent that acts like a conformer, allowing tears to be drained by capillarity. The metallic guides are located inside the lumen, not as an extension of the stent as in conventional intubation sets. Therefore, no nasal retrieval is needed.
We would like to thank Kenneth V. Cahill , M.D. for his contribution to this video.
Mini-Monoka® | Monocanalicular repair | Features & Procedure

Mini-Monoka® is the gold standard for canalicular repair. It consists of a 40 mm silicone tube with a plug-like fixation head. Its special design effectively treat canalicular lacerations involving the external 2/3 of one canaliculus.
Ritleng®+ | Autostable Lacrimal Intubation | Procedure

Ritleng®+ is FCI latest autostable bicanalicular nasolacrimal intubation consisting of a silicone tube connected at each extremity to a PEEK thread guide to reduce operating time and trauma for the patients. The intubation is self-retaining thanks to two wider silicone portions on the silicone tube. The surgical procedure is similar to the conventional Ritleng® lacrimal intubation and involves the use of Ritleng® instruments.
Preloaded Monoka (LacriJet) and congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction: Initial results

Preloaded Monoka (Lacrijet) and congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction: Initial results
FCI is excited to share the results of a recent study conducted by Bruno Fayet, MD (Paris, France), Jean-Marc Ruban, MD (Lyon, France) and William Katowitz, MD (Philadelphia, USA) on LacriJet®.
This article was published last May, in the ‘French Journal of Ophthalmology’ and highlights the performance of LacriJet® for the management of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO).
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