DEX™ Forceps & Scissors


DEX™ Forceps & Scissors

DEX™, Stiff DEX™, Slim DEX™ and STIFF Slim DEX™ Forceps and Scissors Available in 23 Ga, 25 Ga and 27 Ga (see references) ILM & ERM Forceps Awh, End-Grasper, EZ Peel, Hassan, Maculorhexis, Morris ILM, Tano PVR, THICK MEMBRANES FORCEPS Serrated, Morris Honey Badger, Super Grip, Super Grip II, EZ Peel SCISSORS Curved Horizontal, Vertical

Questions about our products?

FCI Ophthalmics
[email protected]

Phone : 800-932-4202
Fax : 781-826-9060