Ritleng® Lacrimal Intubation Set
Description :
Ritleng® is FCI’s autostable, bicanalicular, nasolacrimal intubation system indicated for epiphora, canalicular pathologies, congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction and dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). It consists of a silicone (or PVP) tube connected at each extremity to a black PolyEtherEtherKetone (PEEK) thread guide.
The procedure involves inserting the hollow Ritleng® Probe into the nasolacrimal duct and feeding the thin PEEK thread through it. The probe is then withdrawn, leaving the PEEK to pull the silicone tubing into place. It is designed to reduce operating time in both the intubation phase and the removal of the device.
Main characteristics :
• Indicated for the treatment of:
– In infants: epiphora in cases of dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) and imperforation of the nasolacrimal duct
– In adults: epiphora in cases of DCR
• Less traumatic for patients
• Easy retrieval from the nose
• PEEK length: 500 mm
• Medical grade silicone; PVP option
• Sterile