Ritleng® Probe FCI EXCLUSIVE

To use with the Ritleng® and Self-Threading Monoka lacrimal intubation systems.
Ritleng® Probe FCI EXCLUSIVE
To use with the Ritleng® and Self-Threading Monoka lacrimal intubation systems.
Single Use Punctum Dilator and Plug Inserter
Recommended for seating the plug-like fixation head. It is required for the plug insertion of the LacriJet®, Masterka®, Monoka®, Mini Monoka®, and Self-Threading Monoka® stents.
Single Use Sizer for LacriJet®
Used to select the appropriate length of LacriJet®. Sterile, single use.
FCI Ophthalmics
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Phone : 800-932-4202
Fax : 781-826-9060